A Paradise Near the City

Offering Beachfront Condo Rentals for Your Vacations

A Paradise Near the City

Offering Beachfront Condo Rentals for
Your Vacations

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The Perfect Beach Condo on the Pacific Shoreline

Playa Caracol Beach Condo offers vacation rentals within the heart of the shopping district of Panama. We are strategically located here to offer the best of both worlds. It is a paradise where you will enjoy the beauty of nature and the convenience of the city.

Offering Fun and Exciting Activities

Our beach condo is also a fantastic place to enjoy outdoor activities all year round besides taking pleasure in Panama’s lush tropical nature. You can take part in fishing, horseback riding, aquatic sports, hiking, and nature sighting during your stay with us.

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Find Us at Punta Chame Today

We are near a small beach town on the Pacific shore, an hour and fifteen-minute drive southwest of Panama. Talk to our staff members for more information about condo reservations.